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#7 to #10 spline is sold by the foot.
The #12 spline is in 6 foot lengths, pricing for these are per 1 – 6 foot length

We sometimes have short lengths of spline to offer at a discounted price,  which will be priced per length, eg:  #8 spline shorts 1 length x 3 ft is 60 cents (.20 ft x 3 ft  )

See size chart below.

Amount Discount
100 - 199 10%
200 + 25%
SKU: N/A Categories: , ,

Spline is a wedge shaped reed used to secure sheet cane (or cane webbing) into chairs that have a groove.

Spline is sold by the foot. 

When possible, mail a piece of the old spline for matching. Sizes can be planed or sanded to make smaller.

Spline Number Groove Width Width at Top of Spline Spline Height
#7 5/32″ or 3.97 mm 7/64″ or 2.78 mm 5/32″
#7 ½ 11/64″  or 4.36 mm 9/64″ or 3.57 mm 3/16″
#8 3/16″  or 4.76 mm 5/32″ 3.97 mm 13/64″
#8 ½ 13/64″ or 5.16 mm 11/64″ or 4.36 mm 7/32″
#9 7/32″  or 5.55 mm 3/16″ or 4.76 mm 15/64″
#9 ½ 1/4″  or 6.35 mm 7/32″ or 5.55 mm 1/4″
#10 5/16″ or 7.95 mm 1/4″ or 6.35mm 9/32″
#12 3/8″ or 9.52 mm 19/64″ or 7.54 mm 21/64″
Weight .024 kg
Spline Number

#7, #7.5, #8, #8 spline shorts 1 x 3 ft, #8 spline shorts 1 x 4 ft, #8 spline shorts 1 x 5 ft, #8 spline shorts 1 x 6 ft, #8.5, #9, #9.5, #10, #12 – 1 x 6 ft length